The Entrepreneur Road Map

Being an Entrepreneur

Can be testing, the road is confusing, you can get lost... you have a mentor who shines the light to pull you back to where you have said you want to be.

being an entrepreneur has its challengesdon't do it alone... 

Read more: The Entrepreneur Road Map

I want a website

Where do you start with creating a website?
How do you know who to trust...

You can join us for FREE, no obligation for FREE ONLINE ADVICE

WHY do we do this...

...because we are tired of seeing so much pain and frustration and 'sales pitch' hype.
The lack of truth, the hidden details that is not shared...this leads to disappointment and many giving up as it is 'just too hard'.


Read more: I want a website

Step 1 Plan your Website Content

How to get your Website Requirements right from the start

Step 1 - PLANNING!

Planning of your website project can be a time sucking exercise, however one that will save you even more time and give you a smoother ride through the development. Book in for a Web Project Plan (this will have a fee attached due to the research, time and consultations involved - the cost is usually offset against a job if you go ahead, however you are free to then go to anyone and get your website complete because you have a plan.

Generally it is not understood the effectivness gained by an up-front plan. Ten hours spent on a planning can save 30 hours of development time. Discovering your needs halfway through a project is a recipe for headaches, extended development time, cost overruns and missed deadlines. Failing to recognise and pay for proper planning creates big problems.

Read more: Step 1 Plan your Website Content

Top 3 to effective Marketing systems

Top 3 effective Marketing SystemsYou have a marketing budget, you want to know how can you best spend it?

The first words would be... Let us assess your backend systems that you have in place. You say you have 'the other systems' in place... however there is still a struggle. so perhaps the systems are not completed in the setup and the marketing message is not clear.

Top 3 points discussed with a client about their marketing systems.

Read more: Top 3 to effective Marketing systems

Online Booking Calendar Options

click to schedule free appt

Solution for FREE strategy bookings that is also free

Do you offer a free 15 minute chat? or a Free 30 minute chat, then here is a solution for your online bookings.

Here is a simple an easy to use calendar that you can have incorporated into your website to make it simple for people to book in for a FREE chat with you.

The setup is simple really.

Read more: Online Booking Calendar Options


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