Ecommerce and Infusionsoft for Small Business

One thing I love about Infusionsoft is how it allows me and other small business owners like me to deliver our content.

You can do all of the following

  1. Sell digital product
    • stores pdf up to 10MB
    • collects $'s
    • handles invoicing
    • delivers product
    • triggers - wow campaign (bonus content, followup, referral)
  2. Landing page - (add your FB pixel)
  3. Thank You page - (add your FB pixel)
  4. Order form
  5. Sale triggers followup for all that happens after a purchase

Create Digital Products In Infusionsoft

If you sell digital products, like eBooks or audio downloads,
You will need to create digital products in Infusionsoft.
A digital product is specially designed to:
  • Store the product file (under 10 MB)
  • Deliver a download link
  • Enforce download limitations

If you import a product list, you will need to edit the records for the digital products to set up the delivery details.

You can
  • add
  • view
  • delete

digital product files through individual product records or through the Digital Products area of the company file box.


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